Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Illustration Friday's

Here is my second posting for Illustration Friday's.(I know, I'm posting on a Wednesday)

I couldn't come up with anything terribly clever this time so I just coloured a couple of doodles.

The title.... Bugs.


Doug said...

the doodle bugs are great!

Lori Witzel said...

Very kewl characters -- like 'em a lot!

Anastasia said...

they are real cute characters arent they!! great work'!

Anonymous said...

Clever or not, they have great character. Glad you got it posted. Never too late... until the next topic posts, that is. :-)

Mark said...

Nice, simple and very charming. I love what I see...

All The Finest


kevin micallef said...

Great designs!! really appealing! love the colour have to show me how you did the bg..great texture.

Anonymous said...

This is great!

I'm so happy I found your blog through IF!

I have just went back and looked at EVERYTHING in your archives, and as weird as it sounds, if it's possible to be in love with a blog, then I am in love with yours! Its eye candy page after page of eye candy, and nostalgia, and big big happy smiles!!

Jastolfo said...

Thanks all for your thoughtful comments.
Just a couple things to note.
Kevin, I can show you later butit was simply a photoshop elements brush. The one that looks like a leaf.
Artsy moma, you're too kind.

Anonymous said...

I love the stuffy little guys you draw. These two look like they could use a good scotch! Great!

Queen Tut said...

Hey this is adorable! they are full of life!

georg said...

lovely bugs - with their own personality. I think, I prefer the little round one - great illo.
(No, he's not fat!)

Matt Jones said...

Bug on the left is sweet! Nice, sweeping line of action through the pose.

donnachada said...

These are great. By the way, the :Back to the Subconcious " post is terrific.

John S. said...

These are great designs. Love these bugs!

Kipp Schell said...

wow man great stuff, love the blog!

Unknown said...

COOOOL bugs!

Dee said...

Very cool design! Good coloring too!
love it!

Martin Wittig said...

Nice designs!! The bugs look great!