Happy New Year to everyone out there.
Looking back on 2008 feels like I dreamt the whole year. Not that anything unusual or exciting happened. It's just that it felt like I sort of slept through it, sort of Rip Van Winkle style. I can't really explain it much more than that.
I seem to have awoken somewhere near the begining of December by dusting off this old blog and have started to post again. I hope to continue this trend in 2009 and to stay "awake" as long as possible.
I'm disappointed in my progress in regards to that secret project I started a year ago almost to this date. But I'm happy in my progress with my online comic strip/journey which I call "Ink".
"Ink" is a strip I've created which will have no regularity as far as posting goes. I have no idea where it's going. You can expect the format to change from time to time.
The only thing that I can expect of myself is that it continue moving forward, along a path, curiosity being the driving force. I have created a seperate blog for "Ink", the link for which is located on the right side of this blog. Please feel free to visit.
I hope this coming year is kind to everyone and that a year from now we'll look back and have plenty to reflect upon.
Happy New Year!