Wow!!! One year ago today I hopped on the blog bandwagon and never looked back. Over 45000 views (40000 are probably mine). Looking back it would appear that starting this blog was one of the best things I've done for my own creativity.
As I've told anyone who will listen having an artistic blog is an ass kicker. You're putting it out there baby and you better keep putting it out there.
I'd like to thank all those who have supported me with their generous comments and to those who have felt I deserved to be linked on their own sites.
Cartoon Brew, Red Dot blog, Filboid Studge, Frederator, Blammo, Kauffman etc... and all those who've stopped by (from all over the world) and had a peek.
I hope this year will be as good if not better than the last.
Congratulations, Jeff! Thanks for talking me into putting one up myself and putting it out there baby! See, I listened; and I am glad I did.
Here's to another year of great blogging! Always great to stop by here to see what you're up to or to see who's work you are plugging! Always generous!
Looking forward to 2006!
happy first blog birthday!! i look forward to your posts!
Happy Birthday Bloggy!!! Wow a year already...they grow up so fast!! Congrats,..I'm glad to have been able to watch "it" grow!!
Congrats Jeff! We look forward to many more of your excellent posts.
Glad you convinced Smook to blog. He convinced us and we're glad we started.
happy blog-day...love your stuff and I look fwd to seeing lots more!!!
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